Zeiss Loxia 2.0/35 - E
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Mo. - Fr.: 9am to 6pm
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The ZEISS Loxia 2/35 offers an extended field of view. This makes it the first choice for showing a subject in their environment or establishing connections between people. Like in reportage or street photography, for example. That's what makes it the most important focal length for the genre in compact 35mm cameras. At the same time, the small size and weight of this camera system allows for a great deal of independence and discretion when it comes to photographing your subjects. And precise, manual focus gives you all the creative possibilities you need to tell the story in your own personal way.
ZEISS Loxia lenses were specifically designed for Sony Alpha7 cameras. This means that they can make the most of the mirrorless, full frame system, while giving you all the creative possibilities of 'classic' photography with manual focus at the same time.
And that's not all: ZEISS Loxia lenses also provide everything you need to shoot high quality video, such as the unique DeClick feature for smooth adjustment of the aperture, for example.
Zeiss AG
Carl-Zeiss-Straße 22
DE 73447 Oberkochen
+49 7364 20-0
[email protected]
Zeiss AG
DE 73447 Oberkochen
+49 7364 20-0
[email protected]
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